3 Simple Ways to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

15 June 2015
 Categories: Environmental, Blog


It is possible for the quality of the air inside your home to be much worse than the air outside if you do not take deliberate steps to keep it clean. This is because many homes remain closed most of the time due to the need to cut energy costs. This poor circulation of air can expose you and your family members to health complications like allergies. This article discusses some simple actions you can take to improve the quality of indoor air in your home.

Get a HEPA Filter

Air quality consultants recommend that you use a HEPA filter in the rooms that you spend a lot of time in, such as the bedroom. You can find these filters in most air purifiers and they even come in portable versions. The filters will trap all the pet dander, cigarette smoke particles, dust and all other particles that could compromise the air you breathe when you are at home. You can also buy a vacuum cleaner that has a HEPA filter so that your cleaning activities remove both the visible dirt and the invisible particles that could endanger the health of your family.

Use Plain Water

After vacuum cleaning your floors, use a microfiber mop to get rid of any particles that could have been left behind after the vacuum-cleaning activity. Use plain water alone without adding any cleaning agents. The plain water will trap any dust or allergens that linger on your floors.

Use Doormats

Many of the pollutants of indoor air (such as dust, pollen, pet dander and pesticides) are brought in on people's shoes as they enter. You can limit how much of these pollutants get into your home by putting large doormats at each door. The mats will trap most of that dirt as family members get in so you will have fewer pollutants to grapple with inside the rooms. You should remember to take these mats out and clean them thoroughly (by vacuuming, for example) so that they do not become a health hazard themselves.

If you feel that you live in an area that is particularly prone to indoor air quality problems (such as high-humidity areas where mold is common), invite a local air quality services specialist to inspect your home. He or she will then advise you on the most cost-effective ways to shield your family from the risks of poor-quality indoor air.